On November 11 I had the great honor of being the featured speaker at a University of Chicago Booth School of Business Finance Roundtable event. Our room in the Gleacher Center was at capacity -- despite the fact that it was the Veteran's Day holiday -- so I took that as a sign that Chicagoans were curious to know more about their city's futures exchanges and the executives in power.
I spoke for an hour about the history of the exchanges, the over-the-counter derivatives market, the 2007 bidding war for CBOT, and the Dodd-Frank legislation that will soon overhaul the derivatives industry. Then I was thrilled to have Bernie Dan, former CEO of the Chicago Board of Trade, join me for the Q & A session. The last time I'd seen Bernie was in July 2007 -- I conducted all of my interviews with him for the book over the phone -- so it was wonderful to be reunited.
I will be giving similar presentations at other schools and to various business clubs throughout the coming months. If you're a member of an organization that might want to hold an event like this, leave a comment with your contact information (I won't publish it) or message me
@ZSGame on Twitter and I'll be in touch!
In the meantime, here are a few pictures of myself and Bernie Dan at the University of Chicago Booth Finance Roundtable:

- Erika